Legal Notice

HB Solutions Enterprises AG
Industriering 3
LI-9491 Ruggell
Phone: +423 220 22 80

Management: Doris Becker
Commercial register: Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Firmennummer: FL-0002.668.904-5
Responsible for the content of this website: Doris Becker (address as above).

Despite of careful examination of the content, we are not liable for the content of external links. The content of linked pages is the responsibility of their operators.

Online dispute resolution platform for consumers: The European Commission provides a platform of online dispute resolution for consumers, which can be found at Hesse & Partner AG does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before this consumer arbitration board.

Editor of the website: Doris Becker

All texts and links have been carefully checked and are continuously updated. We strive to provide accurate and complete information on this website, but do not take any responsibility, guarantee or liability that the information provided through this website, including any database entries, is accurate, complete or up-to-date. We reserve the right to change the information on this website at any time without notice and make no commitment to update the information contained herein. All links to external providers were checked for accuracy at the time of their insertion. Nevertheless, we are not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be reached via hyperlinks. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages that occur due to the unchecked use of the contents of linked pages, the provider of the page to which the link refers is solely liable. It is irrelevant whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature or any other damage that could result from loss of data, loss of usability or other reasons of any kind.